Rastus....The Legend Lives!

It all began in the winter of 1968. I received a phone call from the manager of a group from Cleveland, which had just been formed and who wanted to meet with me to see if I was into producing the band. We met on that cold winter day and the rest is history. The first meeting is a story in itself.
Our account is a long and winding road which, in itself, is fascinating. Rastus made two LPs which were preceded and followed by immense hardship and suffering with several good souls lost along the way. But the music was well worth the effort, revealing some of the best players of that time. As a unit, Rastus could not be denied.
Here begins the story of Rastus....and some of the best music you've never heard.
Please bear in mind, this site is under construction but will soon have all Rastus' material plus demos, songs and pictures never before released. We are now mastering several live concerts which are phenomenal.
Please write us and let us know who you are so that we may keep you up to date on all additions to this site. Email us at the "Contact John" button on the sidebar.
See you soon!
John Rhys
Can't wait to see what comes up. Pictures, CDs, scores or fakebooks or the like. This is a great band.
Nice site John! Bobby Jameson
Thrilled to find this site! Can't wait for more tunes for downloading.
i saw Rastus at Butler U when I was a student at John Herron Art Institute in Indy back in the the day. I bought the Steamin album, and over the years, either lost it or gave it away. Bottom line, I've been looking for songs from Rastus for years. Thanks for the site, memories, and background. I'd love to see a reunion if that were ever possible. When I saw those guys, and ended their set with Black Cat, they killed.
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